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Public Traffic

Public Traffic

Zundert, Rijsbergen and Wernhout are well to go by public traffic: Take the 115 from the station in Breda. There is also a local bus going to Roosendaal via the village Achtmaal. 
Check for Public Traffic Information..

Parking in Zundert

Zundert has a parkingdisczone. Using the parkingdisc is obliged. One is allowed to park in this zone for 2,5 hours.


  • Molenstraat from Oranjeplein in northeast direction.
  • Bredaseweg bewteen Markt and Meirseweg.
  • Markt at both sides.
  • Sint Elisabethlaan with a distance of 15 meter at both sides from Molenstraat, including Van Goghpleintje.
  • Caspar Damstraat, only the parking spaces directly behind the Townhall.
  • Eikenlaan between Kastanjelaan and Molenstraat.
  • Prinsenstraat between Blauwstraat and Molenstraat.